TWICE MOMO appears in 3 new SmartNews web commercials and a trial video released at the same time

■The new commercial is packed with MOMO’s diverse charms, including dancing and natural makeup scenes.

The second SmartNews web commercial featuring TWICE MOMO and the “SmartNews Trial Video” have been released at the same time. Newly shot photos are also being released, showing off her cute expressions and gestures.

The three new web-only commercials being released this time are “TWICE Channel News Edition,” “TWICE Channel Official Information Edition,” and “Cosmetics and Makeup Channel Edition.” As MOMO introduces the news and latest information available on SmartNews, she performs a performance that captivates the world as TWICE. MOMO’s sharp dancing and natural makeup scenes are depicted in a realistic manner, making this a new commercial that is full of MOMO’s diverse charms.

In addition to the new commercial, a “SmartNews Trial Video” has also been released, where users can learn together with MOMO herself. The “SmartNews Channel” tab at the top of the SmartNews screen can be freely customized to fit the information users want to read from over 1,000 different channels, including media, fashion, and entertainment. In the video, MOMO herself actually uses the app to customize the “SmartNews Channel” by adding and reordering the channels.

In a setting that resembles a filming location, fans can learn how to use SmartNews through light-hearted exchanges with a navigator who speaks in Kansai dialect. The video also includes some heartwarming scenes, such as MOMO looking naturally into the camera and having to be taught again after forgetting what she learned, making it a video content that fans can enjoy.


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