Momoclo does “MEKIMEKI gymnastics” with Hiromichi Sato and 50 extras!MV released for song “MEKIMEKI” from new album “Hydra”

■For 21 days from May 2nd, each member will post short videos every day on Momoclo’s official TikTok and YouTube Short!

Momoiro Clover Z has released the music video for their new song “MEKIMEKI” from their latest album “Hydra” to be released on May 8th on YouTube.

“MEKIMEKI” is a collaboration between Momoiro Clover Z and the Japan Post Group called “Karada Move!” Japan! A song that has evolved from the “New Exercises” project, with new lyrics and arrangements. From now on, the name of “New Exercises” will be changed to “MEKIMEKI Exercises ~Move Your Body! Nippon!~”.

The title combines the two meanings of the theme “Grow with excitement” and the words “Make it” in the lyrics, “Through gymnastics, you can acquire a healthy body and be full of smiles.” The wish is “I hope you enjoy your days.” The song was written and composed by Yuri Sato, who also produced the TikTok hit THE SUPER FRUIT “Chigu Hug,” and Ryuhei Kinoshita was in charge of the arrangement.

The video released this time features choreography based on the four exercises of “aerobic,” “flexibility,” “muscle strength,” and “relaxation,” which were also incorporated in “Atarashi Gymnastics.” Hiromichi Sato, who supervised the gymnastics, and Momocro The footage shows the members and 50 extras enjoying exercise. It’s a light and fun way to exercise, so let’s dance together.

In addition, for 21 days starting May 2nd, short videos by each member will be posted every day on Momoclo’s official TikTok and YouTube Short. This is also worth checking out.

release information

2024.5.08 ON SALE

Japan Post Group “Move Your Body! Nippon!” Project Official Website

Momoiro Clover Z OFFICIAL TikTok

Momoiro Clover Z OFFICIAL YouTube

Momoiro Clover Z OFFICIAL SITE

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