SEVENTEEN JEONGHAN X WONWOO unveil excerpt from 1st single “THIS MAN”

■Three highlight tracks have been released, including solo songs by SEVENTEEN’s JEONGHAN and WONWOO!

SEVENTEEN JEONGHAN X WONWOO have released the soundtrack film for their first single “THIS MAN.”

The video includes highlights of three songs, including the title track “Last night (Guitar by Park Juwon)” and solo tracks by the two members.

“Last Night (Guitar by Park Juwon),” written and composed by SEVENTEEN album producers WOOZI and BUMZU, is a medium-tempo number that harmonizes Latin rhythms with acoustic guitar melodies. Although only a short snippet of the new song was released, the addictive melody leaves an impression. In particular, the highlight soundtrack was accompanied by a video of JEONGHAN and WONWOO facing each other against the backdrop of a dark city, raising fans’ expectations.

JEONGHAN’s solo song “Beautiful Monster” is an R&B number. The lyrics and JEONGHAN’s soothing vocals harmonize to create a unique atmosphere.

WONWOO’s solo song “Leftover” is a ballad featuring classical melodies of piano, guitar, and string instruments. WONWOO, who has previously shown off his powerful rap skills as a member of a hip-hop team, is expected to show off his deeper appeal and excellent singing ability through this song.

The first single “THIS MAN” is inspired by an urban legend about people all over the world witnessing a man through their dreams, and is a reinterpretation of JEONGHAN x WONWOO’s original story. Jo Ye Eun, a popular author of genre novels such as “Shift” and “Overlap Knife, Knife,” participated in writing the story.

(P)&(C) PLEDIS Entertainment

release information

2024.06.18 ON SALE
* Release date in Korea: June 17th


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