Timelesz Kikuchi Fuma appears on the cover and in the opening feature of “Songs magazine vol.17”

■ Straightforward comments on the behind-the-scenes story of how the collaboration with Yamashita Tomohisa came to fruition

Kikuchi Fuma (timelesz) will appear on the cover and in the lead feature of “Songs magazine vol.17” (on sale June 18th).

Timelesz changed their group name in April. Their first EP, “Timelesz,” includes the popular song “Anthem,” written and produced by Yamashita Tomohisa.

In the magazine, Kikuchi talks candidly about his current feelings, including behind-the-scenes stories of how his collaboration with Yamashita came to fruition, his own musical views and vocals, and even his enthusiasm for the tour and his passion for the group.

Book Information

2024.06.18 ON SALE
“Songs magazine vol.17”

release information

2024.06.19 ON SALE

“Songs magazine vol.17” product information page


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