GENERATIONS’ Ryuto Kazuhara’s first photo essay “Follow Me” to be released! “I think you’ll get to know the different sides of Ryuto Kazuhara”

■ “It was the first time I was able to really talk about my life.” (Ryuto Kazuhara)

GENERATIONS’ Kazuhara Ryuto will be releasing his first photo essay, “Follow Me” (Kodansha), on August 8th, and pre-orders have already begun.

This book took three years to plan and one year to shoot, and it captures Kazuhara’s hobbies. He also took pictures in the United States, where he studied abroad.

In addition, he talked about his life so far in a volume of over 70,000 words, including his family, auditions, debut, dome tour, the COVID-19 pandemic, members, and surgery.

This is a content-packed photo essay that exposes the life of Kazuhara, who is always challenging himself, from his birth to the present day.

In addition, a book signing and singing event will be held to celebrate the release of the book in Tokyo on August 9th and in Osaka on August 10th. For details, see the special event page.

■ Comment from Ryuto Kazuhara
I had never thought about releasing a photo book, but I felt that if I captured a glimpse of my hobby, it might be an opportunity to let not only my fans, but a wider range of people know about the world I’m immersed in, so I decided to publish a photo essay, this time as my first and last.
It was also the first time I had the opportunity to speak in detail about my life.
I think you’ll get to know many different sides to Kazuhara Ryuto: me as an artist, me as a man, and me as someone absorbed in my hobbies.
It’s a little embarrassing, but please follow along!

Book Information

2024.08.08 ON SALE
“follow me”

Pre-order “Follow Me” here

Book your event here

Kazuhara Ryuto OFFICIAL SITE


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