Snow Man’s Watanabe Shota attends Swarovski brand event in Milan, Italy

■Photos of Snow Man’s Watanabe Shota taken in Milan city and at the Swarovski store in Milan will be published on the official LINE account

Snow Man’s Watanabe Shota attended a Swarovski brand event in Milan.

Swarovski held a large-scale exhibition “SWAROVSKI – MASTERS OF LIGHT” in Milan, Italy, which is touring the world. Shota Watanabe from Japan participated in the opening reception, which was held on June 16th local time. Involvement with the entertainment industry is one of the most important values ​​for Swarovski. This time, Watanabe’s first contact with Swarovski was realized in Milan, the center of fashion, and Watanabe learned about the history of Swarovski and the story of the brand for the first time.

Based on the belief of founder Daniel Swarovski to “make diamonds that everyone can own,” each Swarovski product created by current Creative Director Giovanna Engelbert is full of luxury that impresses and amazes those who pick them up.

Watanabe and Swarovski continue to inspire many people through their entertainment, and this brand event made their collaboration even more wonderful, as the light emitted by the crystals combined to create a brilliant glow.

Watanabe’s photographs taken around Milan city and at the Swarovski store in Milan will be published on the official Swarovski Japan LINE account.


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