REBECCA releases trailer for live film premiere, one-night only! Director Kishi and sound director to appear

■Preview of a cross-fade video linking famous scenes from “FRIENDS” and “OLIVE” from the live film that will premiere on July 7th at 27 movie theaters in 20 cities nationwide

The trailer for REBECCA’s live film “Dreams on 19900119 Reborn Edition-Return of Blond Saurus-” has been completed. The trailer will be shown for the first time in Japan on Sony Music’s official YouTube channel.

The video is a cross-fade of the band’s imposing performance after their first concert at Tokyo Dome, their flawless performance, and famous scenes of NOKKO and REBECCA dancing to some of their signature songs, “FRIENDS,” “OLIVE,” “LITTLE ROCK,” and “MAYBE TOMORROW.”

In addition, director Kishi Masanobu, who produced the live film, and Goh Hoda, who produced the sound, will also be making an appearance. They will be on stage before the screening of the main feature at Tachikawa Cinema City. It will be a rare opportunity to talk from the creator’s perspective about anecdotes from the filming of the Nippon Budokan live 34 years ago, the highlights and things to listen for in the re-editing of this film, the amazingness of the 5.1ch surround sound in the movie version, and more.

Additionally, as a bonus for attendees, a pass-style sticker featuring the artwork from “Dreams on 19900119 Reborn Edition” will be presented.

Additionally, additional screenings have been announced at three theaters in Shinagawa, Yokohama, and Otaru.

Tickets for the live film “Dreams on 19900119 Reborn Edition-Return of Blond Saurus-” are on advance sale at Lawson Ticket until July 4th.

event information

REBECCA live film “Dreams on 19900119 Reborn Edition-Return of Blond Saurus-” (5.1ch remastered movie version) one-night premium screening
Screening at 27 cinemas in 20 cities nationwide on Sunday, July 7th

Special website


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