Fuma Kikuchi (timelesz) and Akira Kawashima from Kirin team up for the first time as MCs for a special program! “The story develops so quickly!”

■ “It progresses at top speed, so I think it’s easy to watch because the tempo is so good!” (Fuma Kikuchi)

The Yomiuri TV/Nippon TV Platinum Night special “I Don’t Need to Know…”, hosted by Kawashima Akira (Kirin) and Kikuchi Fuma (timelesz), will be broadcast from 11:59pm on June 27th.

“You don’t really need to know, but…” is a program that thoroughly investigates and introduces “things that are a little bit interesting but that I’m sure no one has looked into before,” such as “What is dishwashing detergent, the type that is most commonly used in Chinese restaurants?”, which you don’t particularly need to know, but once you hear it, you’ll be curious and want to tell someone about it.

Kawashima and Kikuchi have worked together many times, but this will be their first time teaming up as MCs. Kikuchi calls Kawashima “a senior I look up to.” The exchange between the two is sure to be a highlight.

■ Comment from Fuma Kikuchi
Q. This is your first time teaming up with Kawashima-san. How was it?
I’m happy. I’m always learning from them. Arashi-nii-san and Aki-nii-san are seniors I look up to.

Q. What are the highlights of the show and your message to the viewers?
The story unfolds very quickly! It progresses at top speed, so I think it’s easy to watch with such a good tempo! Please check it out!

■ Comment from Akira Kawashima
Q. This is your first time teaming up with Kikuchi. How was it?
It was a great pleasure to work with you and it was very easy to work with you.
We often appear on other shows together, but when we’re together he puts in about 20% more effort into his “analogies” (laughs).

Q. Please tell us the highlights of the program and your message to the viewers!
I think there are more information programs that I can talk about tomorrow, but I think this is the most honest one.
There are some things I’m glad I didn’t know about, and some things that were surprisingly deep, plus I think it has a great feel that’s perfect for watching late at night, so I’d recommend watching it while lying down.

Program Information

Yomiuri TV/Nippon TV“I don’t really care if you don’t know… 11 things I want to tell someone”
June 27th (Thu) 23:59-0:54
MC: Akira Kawashima (Kirin) Fuma Kikuchi (timelesz)
Cast: Hikaru Ijuin, Kyoko Saito
Voice actor: Shuhei Nakano (Frog Tei)

Program site


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