BE:FIRST announces release of 2nd album “2:BE”! New visuals also revealed

■The live version includes footage of all the songs from the final performance of BE:FIRST’s first nationwide arena tour!

BE:FIRST has announced that they will be releasing their new album “2:BE” (pronounced: Two Be) on August 28th.

The second album “2:BE”, which will be released about two years after the previous album “BE:1”, will include the title songs such as the third single “Smile Again” which was appointed as the “ANESSA Global Campaign Song”, the fourth single “Mainstream” which has won 116 titles on various music charts reflecting the members’ will, and the latest single “Masterplan” which has attracted attention for its spectacular performance, as well as “Boom Boom Back” which was performed at the “NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassen” and attracted attention for the #BBB Challenge, “Glorious” which was written as a cheer song for the 102nd National High School Soccer Championship, and the popular song “Grow Up” which incorporates a danceable UK Garage beat. In addition, a total of 15 songs will be included, including 9 new songs.

In addition to the music video version that includes the music videos of the songs included, the video version also includes all the songs from the final performance of BE:FIRST’s first nationwide arena tour, “BE:FIRST ARENA TOUR 2023-2024 “Mainstream”, which has toured 22 shows in 9 cities nationwide since 2023. The release commemorative goods have also been decided.

release information

2024.08.28 ON SALE


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