Sakurazaka46 to release new song “Hikikomori Jikan wa Nai” from their 9th single “Jigoku Jitoku” in advance

■The singers for the new song “Hikikomori Jikan wa Nai” have yet to be announced! The music video will be released at 9pm on June 24th.

It has been announced that the song “Hikikomori Jikan wa Nai” (There’s No Time to Stay Home), which is a common coupling track on Sakurazaka46’s 9th single “Jigoku Jitoku” (to be released on June 26th), will be released early and its music video will be released.

The audio will be available for streaming and download starting at midnight on June 24th, and the music video has already been released on YouTube at 9pm on the same day.

The singing members have not yet been announced, and various speculations are flying among fans.

While the new song “Jigoku Jitoku” has charted in various charts and is generating excitement even before its release, the music video for BACKS’ song “Aishiaonasai” was recently released. The content of the song, which is different from the title song and shows the group’s breadth, has been a hot topic, but it will be interesting to see what the audio and music video for the follow-up song “Hikikomori Jikan wa Nai” will be like.

release information

SINGLE“what goes around comes around”

Sakurazaka46 OFFICIAL SITE

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