Katori Shingo is confused: “Where does the term ‘jimine’ come from?” and “What is ‘menhera’?” He also shows off the latest fashion from “Toyoko”

■ When seeing Shingo Katori dressed up as a Touyoko kid, “He’s so cool…” (Rintaro from EXIT) “He really suits it” (Michopa)

“Nanani Underground Abema” is a regular Abema program featuring Inagaki Goro, Kusanagi Tsuyoshi (the official spelling of “nagi” is the old-style character for “bow” with the character for “front” and “sword”), and Katori Shingo.

Episode 30, which will air on June 23rd, is a “Special Gathering of Extremely Shocking Journalists from the Underworld,” bringing together journalists and experts who specialize in information about the unknown underworld.

The guests included a distinguished lineup of guests, including private detective Ozawa, a professional in infidelity investigations, beauty medical journalist Umino Yuriko, former public security police officer Katsumaru Enkaku who supervised the drama “VIVANT,” international journalist Yamada Toshihiro, North Korea journalist Ko Young-gi, Kabukicho writer Sasaki Chihuahua, and crime journalist Ogawa Taihei, who exclusively revealed a number of shocking pieces of information that could only be shared on “Nanani Underground Abema.”

As various topics come up, writer Sasaki Chihuahua, who is well versed in Kabukicho and popularized the term “Toyoko Kids,” will reveal the true nature of Toyoko that cannot be discussed on the news.

“Toyoko” is an abbreviation of “next to the Toho Building” in Kabukicho, Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo, and the area suddenly attracted attention when young people began hanging out there, leading to an increase in crime and a deterioration in public safety.

So, the Nanani members decided to ask Sasaki about the Tou Yoko kids’ fashion. When Sasaki said, “The landmine-kei fashion is based on black, they wear platform shoes, and their hair is black or flashy,” Katori muttered, “Where does the landmine-kei landmine come from?”

When Michiopa replied, “It’s a bit like a mental health problem,” Katori immediately asked again, confused, “Where does the word menhera come from?” When Sasaki answered, “It’s an abbreviation for the Mental Health board on 2chan,” and “It means that you tend to get mentally ill,” Katori seemed to understand.

Finally, when Sasaki introduced “flashy sunglasses” and “colorful jerseys” as the latest trend items at Tokyu Toyoko, Kusanagi immediately made the unreasonable request, “Shingo, try them on.”

Katori, wearing flashy sunglasses and a colorful jersey, delivered his catchphrase, “Nanani, seriously!”. When Sasaki saw Katori dressed up as a Touyoko Kids, he said, “(When Katori wears it) he really feels like an artist,” EXIT’s Rintaro praised him, saying, “It’s so cool…,” and Michiopa said, “It just suits him.”

Kusanagi, the one who made the unreasonable request, said, “You could become one of the Four Heavenly Kings,” and the studio erupted in laughter.

In addition, North Korean journalist Ko Young-gi talks about the extremely dangerous situation in North Korea that would never be mentioned on the news, and crime journalist Ogawa Taihei reveals the reality of clinical trial part-time jobs and shady part-time jobs in “Nanani Underground ABEMA” #30, which is currently being streamed on “ABEMA.”

The next episode of “Nanani Underground Abema,” #31, to be aired on June 30th, will be titled “A Big Gathering of Dangerous Journalists SP,” and will feature stories from private detective Ozawa, a professional in infidelity investigations, and former public security officer Katsumaru Enkaku, who oversaw the TV drama “VIVANT.”

Inagaki, Kusanagi, and Katori candidly talk about their experiences of being followed, saying things like, “I was eating at the counter and then my photo was published,” and “Just when I thought they’d completely escaped, my photo appeared in a magazine.”

(C)AbemaTV, Inc.

Distribution information

ABEMA“Nanani Underground Abema #30”
June 23rd (Sun) 20:00~
Cast: Goro Inagaki, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, Shingo Katori and others

ABEMA“Nanani Underground Abema #31”
June 30th (Sun) 20:00~
Cast: Goro Inagaki, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, Shingo Katori and others

“Nanani Underground ABEMA #30” Broadcast URL

“Nanani Underground Abema #31” broadcast


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