Drama “Re: Revenge – At the End of Desire”, a conversation between lead actor Eiji Akaso and Stray Kids, who is in charge of the theme song, has been realized

■“I heard from Akaso that the theme song matches well with the atmosphere of the drama, so I’m really happy if it means that we can have a synergistic effect with each other.” (Bangchan)

A special conversation between Eiji Akaso, who stars in Fuji TV’s Thursday Theater “Re: Revenge -The Hate of Desire” (every Thursday from 10pm), and Stray Kids, who sing the theme song for the film, was held.

The conversation was held after the Belluna Dome performance of Staray Kids’ offline fan event “Stray Kids Fan Connecting 2024 “SKZ TOY WORLD”” held on April 27th. The atmosphere was so calm from start to finish that it was hard to believe that it was their first meeting, and they talked about various things, including their thoughts on the theme song and behind-the-scenes stories about the production.

In a discussion after the performance, Akaso said, “(Watching the stage) I felt a sense of kinship with everyone, not only the overwhelming singing, dancing, and performance, but also the talk and game parts.I was really drawn to the gap. It was really great,” he said, reflecting on the event and the joy of meeting Stray Kids for the first time. Stray Kids responded with a smile, saying, “Thank you. We’re glad you said the words we wanted to hear.”

■The secret behind the production of the theme song “WHY?” revealed! Eiji Akaso was delighted to hear it live and called it “the best experience”!
When asked how he felt when it was decided that Stray Kids would be in charge of the theme song for this drama, Akaso said, “I thought Stray Kids’ songs were really powerful and cool. Since it’s a revenge drama, I thought it would go well with Stray Kids’ songs, so I was really happy when it was decided.”

Regarding his feelings when the song “WHY?”, which was written specifically for this work, was played in the movie, Akaso said, “When I heard that the song “WHY?” was based on the theme of “rebelliousness,” I felt even more rock-like. I thought that the sound matched the unpredictable development of this drama and the world view.In addition to the power of the drama’s visuals, the power of the music makes this work even more exciting. “I felt that way,” he said, expressing his passionate feelings.

In response to Aka So’s comment, Bangchan said, “This is the first time we’ve had the opportunity to sing the theme song for a Japanese drama, but we also thought that the song “WHY?” would fit well with the drama. I heard from Akaso-san that “the theme song matches well with the atmosphere of the drama,” and I’m really happy if it means that we can have a synergistic effect with each other.”

When asked about his impressions after actually listening to the theme song (at an event), Akaso said, “From the intro, I was like, “Kita! “The rap part in particular was really cool, and listening to it live again, experiencing it myself, I think it was a really great experience. Thank you very much!” she expressed her gratitude. I conveyed my feelings.

Then, Bangchan said with a smile, “The members in charge of rapping, Changbin and Han, are still working hard on their rapping (lol), but I’m very happy to receive such compliments.”

Rappers Changbin and Han enthusiastically said, “We’ll continue to do our best!” and Aka Sou immediately responded with surprise, “Are you going to evolve any further?”

When asked about his thoughts on the theme song, Changbin said, “When I was composing the song, I tried to put a rebellious feeling and such enthusiasm into the lyrics, but it was a feeling of trying to break out of a repressed place. By expressing it with a rock sound, I think I was able to express something dark and like a yearning to break free from oppression.”

■Eiji Akaso’s name was hidden in the lyrics of the theme song “WHY?”!?
Have you ever listened to the theme song “WHY?” and wondered, “Why?” lately? In response to this question, Akaso said, “It’s been a bit of a hot topic around me, but I think the word “Age” appears at the beginning of the lyrics of “WHY?”, but it’s me, Akaso. “Are you toying with Eiji? (lol) I’d be happy if you were toying with me, but what do you think?”, and the Stray Kids members responded, “Yes! Isn’t it obvious!” “Of course!” he replied with a smile.

In response to the happy response, Akaso smiled broadly and said, “I’ll listen to (the theme song) every day for the rest of my life!” (lol).

Ien also seemed to have wondered, “Why?” and said, “Why do the cherry blossoms fall so quickly even though it’s spring? Why can’t we see these beautiful cherry blossoms for a long time? I wonder.” When I expressed my frank opinion, Akaso replied with a stylish comment, “I think it looks more beautiful because it blooms for a short time.” To this, all the Stray Kids responded with exclamations of “Ah!” has risen.

■Eiji Akaso’s revenge is in Korean! Aien’s favorite Korean word is “sarangheyo” (I love you)
When asked about the drama title “Re: Revenge,” Akaso said, “I went to Korea a couple of times, but I can’t speak Korean, so I’d like someone to recommend me some Korean words.” I want to take revenge in Korean!”

When Aien asked, “Saranghaeyo = I love you, huh?” Akaso looked a little embarrassed and said, “I know (Saranghaeyo), but I’ve never used it (lol).”

When Rino told them the recommended Korean phrase, “Kesanejuseyo = Please pay for the bill,” Akaso immediately said, “Kimchi kesanejuseyo!” (Please pay for the kimchi, please!). Everyone praised Akaso’s fluent Korean, saying, “Oh!”, “Perfect!”, “You’re Korean now!”, and “Your pronunciation is really good!”

At the end of the conversation, I asked Akaso about his impressions of meeting Stray Kids for the first time, and he said, “Even though there was a language barrier, everyone was really friendly and we had a good time talking to each other, and everyone was really kind, which made me love them even more.” I learned a lot of Korean, so I’d like to use it and report it to everyone!”

“(From episode 4, broadcast on May 2nd), we will begin the election of the chairman, but the confrontation between Kaito and Ikuya Otomo, which was also depicted at the end of episode 3, will be more intensely depicted from episode 4 onwards. I think it will become even more interesting as the relationship with Yozuki and Saya will be further explored. “I think I’ll be able to show you a side that will make you think, “I hope you look forward to it!” he appealed to the viewers.

[Episode 4 synopsis]
Kaito’s aunt, Ichiko Tendo (Kimiko Yo), was the mastermind who put Kaito Tendo (Eiji Akaso) to sleep for five months and killed Tomonobu Tendo (Ken Mitsuishi), the former president of Tendo Memorial Hospital. When the information is leaked, Kaito, who works as a hospital PR officer, is forced to deal with the situation.

An emergency meeting is then held by Koichiro Tendo (Takashi Sasano), the hospital’s chairman. This is to elect a new chairman to replace Ichiko. It seemed that Vice-Director Mitsunari Miwa (Shigemitsu Ogi) would be the one to decide easily, but Ikuya Otomo (Ryo Nishikido) raised his hand and the election for president will be held in four days.

Around that time, Kaito suspects that Ikuya has leaked internal information about the hospital to the media, and asks his junior colleague from his time at a publishing company, Kinoshita Saya (Migami Ai), to help him find the proof.

Meanwhile, Miwa appears before Kaito and says, “Together, let’s take back the cardiovascular surgery project that Tomonobu was working on.” Kaito agrees to the proposal and asks Tetsuya Ogasawara (Kanji Furudate), the head of the department of pediatrics, to cast his vote for Miwa, but he is rejected. Kaito is approached by his ex-girlfriend, Yozuki Asahina (Kyoko Yoshine).

Yozuki says that he hopes that his sister Misaki Asahina (Noa Hakusan) will undergo surgery through the cardiovascular surgery project, and apologizes for not believing in Kaito. Ikuya was watching the two of them from the shadows.

Kaito hears from Miwa that the two directors have sided with Ikuya. If Ikuya gets one more vote, Miwa will have no chance of winning. Kaito returns to Ogasawara again. What will be the result of the chairman election?

(C)Fuji Television

Drama “Re: Revenge -At the End of Desire-” program site


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