The piano duet scene in the movie “Ienai Himitsu” starring Kyomoto Taiga (SixTONES) is “a love scene that only music college students can have”

■The movie “Secrets I Can’t Tell” features piano duet scene and behind-the-scenes footage

The movie “Ienai Himitsu”, in which Kyomoto Taiga of SixTONES plays his first solo lead role, will be released nationwide on June 28. This time, the main film and behind-the-scenes footage of the piano duet scene, which Kyomoto and Kotone Furukawa feel deeply about, have been released.

Kyomoto and Furukawa, who have been promoting the film through interviews with various media outlets and events, both cited the piano performance scene as “the part they worked hardest on.” The high level of piano performance required for a solo performance by “music college students” is difficult enough, but the duet scene requires them to play in sync with each other even more. In addition to the technical difficulty, it is a very important scene in the story, so they had to play with emotion as their characters, and they approached the filming with extraordinary enthusiasm. One of those emotional duet scenes, the first duet scene between the two, was released just before the film’s release.

The play is set at Cafe Polonaise, which is attached to Minato’s (Kyomoto Taiga) home and run by his father (Omi Toshinori). It begins with Yukino (Furukawa Kotone) playing Chopin’s Grande Valse Brillante by herself, urging Minato to join in. Minato, who had been traumatized by his overseas studies and was trying to distance himself from the piano, initially refuses the invitation, but is persuaded by Yukino’s enjoyable performance, eventually sitting down next to her and dropping his fingers to the keys.

The two originally met when Minato was drawn to the sound of Yukino’s piano playing. Even though it was their first time playing together, their compatibility was immediately obvious. At times, their eyes met and their fingers touched, but the light and powerful sound they played resonated pleasantly with the audience, and it was clear that not only Yukino but also Minato were truly enjoying the performance.

In addition, the scene where they look at each other and laugh after the performance not only conveys the fun and refreshment they gained from playing the piano duet, but also gives the sense that the two have grown closer in their hearts, making it a must-see love scene that only music college students could share.

■ In the making-of video, Kyomoto and Furukawa are seen high-fiving in joy after the OK is given.
The making-of video shows a portion of the filming of the piano duet scene in the concert room of the old lecture building. It also captures the moment when Kyomoto and Furukawa happily high-five after the OK is given. The two communicated through the piano, practicing so hard that not only before filming began, but also during filming, other co-stars said, “He was always practicing piano, so it was hard to talk to him,” and “The sound of the piano was always there on set.” This not only made their roles as music college students more convincing, but there is no doubt that their relationship and sense of distance were reflected in their roles as Minato and Yukino, who are attracted to each other.

When the “secret” is revealed, you will surely want to see the beginning of this love again. “Secret that Can’t Be Said” will finally be released nationwide from June 28th.

Movie Information

“The Untold Secret”
06/28 (Fri) Nationwide release

Cast: Kyomoto Taiga and Furukawa Kotone
Mayu Yokota, Ryota Miura (※Ryo = animal radical without dormitory radical), Ryotaro Sakaguchi / Sarutoki Minagawa, Naomi Nishida, Toshinori Omi
Director: Hayato Kawai
Screenplay: Saya Matsuda
Theme song: SixTONES “Come Back Here”
Distributor: Gaga
(C) 2024 “Secrets I Can’t Tell” Production Committee

Movie “Secrets I Can’t Tell” production site


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