SixTONES’ Kyomoto Taiga appears on “Goutan Nouveau 2 Special”! Travis Japan’s Matsuda Genta appears on “Otoko Goutan” with Mitsushima Shinnosuke and Wentz Eiji

■ “I’ve known (Matsuda) Genta for a long time, but his character is getting stronger and stronger, and it feels good to see him having so much fun every time I see him.” (Kyomoto Taiga)

The talk variety show “Gout Temps Nouveau² Special,” hosted by four hosts, Kyoko Hasegawa, Minami Tanaka, Nanase Nishino, and Shinnosuke Mitsushima, will be broadcast nationwide on the Kansai TV and Fuji TV networks (excluding some areas) from 10:30 p.m. on July 1st.

This time, we will be bringing you Gootan Talk with some of the hottest guests of the moment. Unlike regular program recordings, which are watched over by staff, this time, the guests will talk about love and life in a private setting with only a camera.

First up is the Otoko Gutan with Shinnosuke Mitsushima, Eiji Wentz, and Genta Matsuda (Travis Japan). Wentz and Matsuda, who are more than a generation apart in age, each confess their views on marriage and their ideal image of a woman. What are the problems that 38-year-old Wentz faces in marriage?

In addition, when Wentz said that he could no longer eat kalbi, 25-year-old Matsuda questioned him, “What kind of adult can’t eat kalbi?” From beginning to end, the group was at the mercy of the fantastic “Matsuda World” that exploded. While enjoying yakiniku, the true faces of the three people who chattered about silly things were revealed.

Next up was the “Geek Trio” of Minami Tanaka, Mayu Matsuoka, and Karen Takizawa, who will be appearing in the Thursday drama “Geeks: Weirdos at the Police Station.”

The three, who are so close that they even meet up in private, have a nonstop chat about everything from work to hobbies. They also reveal that when it comes to love, their tastes in men don’t overlap at all.

They also talked about other things they won’t compromise on when it comes to their boyfriends. Don’t miss this friendly girls’ chat in the middle of filming a drama.

In addition, Hasegawa, Tanaka, and Nishino held a girls’ get-together as MCs. In the update session, which was the first time the three had met in a long time, Nishino, who is newly married, was bombarded with questions, and the three, who have been active together as the Gootan Sisters, had a conversation that could only come from that.

The four MCs gathered in the studio for the first time in about a year, and Kyomoto Taiga (SixTONES) joined them as a guest.

When asked, “Have you ever been scolded by your parents as an adult?”, Kyomoto, who has an aura of a prince, revealed a shocking side that is hard to imagine. What made everyone burst out laughing? Furthermore, the women all commented on his unique view of love.

Don’t miss this 60 minutes packed with special talks.

■ Impressions after recording in the studio
The recording was as harmonious as ever, making it hard to believe that they had only just reunited for the first time in a year. Hasegawa commented, “Time has flown by so quickly, it feels like a year has already passed. But it’s also really fun to see how everyone is becoming more and more philosophical, and I feel really grateful to be able to feel that process up close as everyone is moving forward in life.”

Nishino continued, “I was sad that I couldn’t participate in the last recording, but I was happy to meet the two of them (Hasegawa and Tanaka) on location and to be able to come to the studio. My environment has changed, but my feelings haven’t changed that much, so it was fun to be able to participate in the same way as before.” Mitsushima also said, “Even though everyone’s environment has changed a lot in the year we weren’t able to see each other, when we get together here it doesn’t feel like it’s been a long time.” The strong bond between the four was apparent.

The group also once again sent congratulations to the newlywed Nishino. Tanaka said, “Nana-chan is a very dry type, so when I asked her, ‘You don’t want to go home right away, do you?’ she said, ‘No, I want to go home properly.’ I thought it was important to be honest after all, and there is a lot to learn from Nana-chan’s unselfish cuteness.”

Kyomoto, who took part in the studio recording with the MCs, said with a smile, “It was fun not just to be on location but to be able to watch the filming from the studio!”

In the studio, they watched two location shoots of Male Guutan and Female Guutan, and when asked which scene was particularly memorable, he recalled, “I’ve known (Matsuda) Genta for a long time, and his character has become more and more distinctive, and it’s great to see him having so much fun every time I see him. Also, when (Mitsushima) Shinnosuke made a move that I thought would make someone comment on it, the fact that no one did anything and it was ignored was really funny. Everyone was a little comical, and that was really funny (laughs).”

Kyomoto also said she would like to go on location, and when asked who she would like to go to and what kind of restaurant she would like to go to, she said with shining eyes, “I like men who are passionate about their work, and I would like to go on location with Fujiwara Tatsuya and Ichihara Hayato, both of whom I respect. As for a restaurant, I love kushikatsu, so I would like to go to a kushiage restaurant!”

Meanwhile, during the studio talk, some unexpected sides of him that went beyond imagination were revealed, and Tanaka commented, “The more you dig into him, the more you realize he has a mysterious charm,” to which Kyomoto replied, “His way of thinking changes with the seasons, so if you dig further I’m sure something different will come out” (Kyomoto), and Mitsushima added, “There’ll be a subtitle for him, like Kyomoto Taiga (ummer)” (Mitsushima). The five of them were still chatting and having a good time even after the recording, and seemed to have become quite close.

Finally, Hasegawa commented, “The boys’ Goo-tan were funny, like, ‘So stupid!’ (laughs), and the girls’ Goo-tan was very realistic and a lot of fun too!”, Tanaka said, “I did the location shoot with two of my co-stars from the drama, and we’re close enough to go out to eat and have tea together on a regular basis, so I hope that the atmosphere in Goo-tan comes across and that everyone enjoys the drama. It’s a promotional video (laughs).”, and Nishino commented, “Neither of the location shoots felt like TV, it felt like I was peeking into the real world, which was fun! Matsuda-san had a big impact (laughs).”

Mitsushima said, “Otoko Gootan was great! I’m also looking forward to the location shoot with the three MCs. Also, if you’re wondering what to do this summer, I recommend you take Gootan as a reference and talk with your friends and family in a different place than usual. I think it will be a summer with a different flavor!” Kyomoto said, “It was interesting to see the male Gootan, even though it was our first time meeting, having so much fun that I wondered if they always go out for yakiniku together. It was also great to see the Gootan cast members, who are co-stars in the drama, and get a glimpse of their usual closeness, which I’m sure they chat like this even during filming. I was able to see many different types of Gootan, and I think this program is full of fun!”

Program Information

Kansai TV/Fuji TV“Goutan Nouveau² Special”
July 1st (Mon) 22:30-23:24
MC: Kyoko Hasegawa, Minami Tanaka, Nanase Nishino, Shinnosuke Mitsushima
Studio guest: Kyomoto Taiga (SixTONES)
On-location guests: Eiji Wentz, Karen Takizawa, Mayu Matsuoka, Genta Matsuda (Travis Japan) *In alphabetical order

“Goutan Nouveau 2” program site

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