[Live Report]VALSHE, who has completed 13 shows nationwide, reaches the final leg of their tour: “It’s been an unforgettable seven months”

On Sunday, July 28th, VALSHE held the final Tokyo performance of her nationwide 13-location tour, VALSHE GREETING TOUR SCHRODINGER’s V, at SHIBUYA DIVE. Here is the official report of the performance.

VALSHE has been touring 13 locations selected by fan vote since their Tokyo performance on January 14, 2024. During their long journey of seven months, they have performed 13 different shows, none of which were the same, under the theme of the tour title, “You don’t know what’s inside the box until you open it.”

The 14th performance of the tour’s grand finale took place at the starting point, SHIBUYA DIVE in Tokyo. The electronic opening jingle reverberated throughout the floor as VALSHE waited for her to appear. Fans who have accompanied her on several tours will have noticed that the sound was arranged to be more profound only in the final performance.

On the stage, filled with tension, VALSHE appeared in her new visual costume released last September. The costume, made up of three colors – burning red, burnt black, and burning white – represents immortality. Her fingertips, wrapped in red, were stretched out towards the silent floor. “Let’s go, guys!” VALSHE’s loud roar echoed along with the sound of the box unlocking “PLAY THE JOKER”.

Among the many VALSHE songs, this song stands out, and VALSHE’s free-flowing and energetic singing, along with the excited voices of the fans, quickly excited the atmosphere in the venue. The fans responded to the voice of “Let’s shout out loud!”. Knowing that the same moment will never come again, VALSHE’s performance style, which involves the floor and everyone else in enjoying the live show, can be said to be one of the biggest attractions.

Looking straight at the fans and raising their arms with all their might, they showed their firm determination to complete the tour in the best possible way.

As the song ended, the cheers calling out VALSHE’s name suddenly began to ring, and before she could even listen carefully, the drum roll began. The red veil-like costume flew up and spun around seductively. The figure of “John Doe” appeared on stage, singing about a mysterious and violent worldview.

His sudden transformation, as if he had transformed into someone else, elicited a mixture of gasps and trembling cheers. In stark contrast to the intense movements of the previous song, he strode across the stage with relaxed steps, leaving the audience transfixed. He occasionally crouched down and looked at the fans as if appraising them, just like “John Doe” from the song.

A mysterious laughter echoed along with the lights flashing red and black for a moment. VALSHE had an elusive expression on her face, with a jazzy rock sound playing behind her. She captivated the fans with her performance, as if she was in control of the venue.

As if to raise the temperature and stir up the excitement of the performance, which showed off a variety of tempos, the sound of the shamisen, “In this life, let it be splendid,” falls on the audience.

This is a classic song that can be said to be a staple at VALSHE concerts. With their early appearance, the lights and penlights were dyed red, and the excitement in the venue only increased.

The call-and-response with the audience in the middle of the song is one of the best parts of experiencing this song live. Those who attend the live performance are privileged to see VALSHE raising her voice at the end of her sentences and inciting the fans with a questioning tone.

“Everyone’s here, it’s the grand final!” – VALSHE

With a roar as if reluctant to finish, VALSHE’s first MC session began. The first topic was the weather, something she had been concerned about throughout their long journey. Her humorous MC speech, worrying about the high probability of rain after the live performance, lightened the mood in the venue. Here we could once again see VALSHE’s desire to “cherish the communication with fans that can only be had at this time of year.”

“We are 120% ready to entertain you,” he said, promising to entertain not only the fans who have been watching the tour, but also those attending for the first time.

“During this journey, I’ve had a lot of fun and memorable times with everyone, making music together. But I don’t want to say it yet. I can’t say, ‘This tour was the best!’ I’m sure I can do more today.” – VALSHE

The MC, who was expected of a grand final, made the venue, which had been peaceful, heat up again. Despite the excitement of the audience saying that they were not ready to rest and to shake their heads, the next song they performed was the VALSHE ballad “Kairoju.”

The sudden disappointment caused a burst of laughter, but the atmosphere in the venue quickly went quiet, and the whole place was filled with the color of fresh greenery, as the audience watched VALSHE’s powerful yet sad singing. During the interlude, it was impressive to see her carefully scanning the floor from end to end, trying to burn the expressions of the fans into her mind. The venue was dyed blue for the following song, “Aono Natsuame,” and together with “Kairoju,” it created a calm and dense time in which the audience could fully immerse themselves in the song.

At this point, an original tour MC project called came on stage. It was a variety corner that was sure to get any VALSHE fan excited, and after a brief exchange and fun with the fans, the song that marked the beginning of the VALSHE project in 2010, “NEVERLAND”, was performed. This was the first time this song was performed at these 14 shows. The set list for this show was “decided one week before the show”, but the inclusion of this song at this time on this day may have been meant to hint at VALSHE’s .

After “moon -sequel-“, the venue was enveloped in silence, but the rock song “Jitsuroku Kumonoito” suddenly changed the mood. VALSHE’s shouts burst out along with the looming sound, further exciting the audience.

Just as the atmosphere was reaching a climax, the rhythmic “DOPE” followed. The audience’s response was synchronized and beautiful, which was refreshing to watch. The sense of unity made me feel that they had been sharing the same time with their fans for many years.

At the beginning of her second MC, she mentioned the outfit she was wearing that day. She was seen looking embarrassed when someone told her, “You’re beautiful.”

“When the tour started, you came in wearing a down jacket and a scarf.” – VALSHE

He reflected on the long seven-month tour and the 13 places he visited. He confessed that he wanted to make the final night the best one yet, remembering each and every event and memory.

Every performance was amazing, so they had to surpass them and make the grand finale even more spectacular. VALSHE’s words, which never seem to stagnate, were carefully delivered to the fans, one by one.

“As if responding to that, everyone showed such enthusiasm on the floor today, and there were so many moving moments. Thank you again.” – VALSHE

VALSHE expressed her gratitude and bowed. Her words were so heartfelt that it seemed as if all the fans in the room were smiling from the heart.

After a friendly MC, the live finally reached the final stage. VALSHE announced the start of the music and the band began playing “micro SOLDIER”.

After that, they continued with “RIOT” and “INTRODUCTION”, a series of heavy rock sounds that are considered to be the standard among VALSHE songs, and the gears were raised to the highest speed to get through this live show.

It would be easy to categorize it as a rock sound, but VALSHE’s expressiveness is truly impressive, as she uses different singing styles, facial expressions, and gestures to match the worldview of each of the final three songs in the album, captivating the audience in completely different ways.

VALSHE disappears from the stage to cheers.

The venue became a little brighter and was filled with enthusiastic cheers for “VALSHE,” which soon turned into an encore, calling for the band to return to the stage.

As if to cut through the powerful encore, a clap of thunder enveloped the venue. The live logo projected on the projector melted away, and instead a video announcing the release of a new mini album started to play.

As the new information was displayed on the screen one after another, exclamations of admiration and screams arose from the floor. The moment the new visuals were revealed, screams filled the venue.

The first work released by the new VALSHE was the “stoyrteller” series, VALSHE’s debut work. This is the third work in the series, and the first “sequel” in 10 years since “II” was released in 2014.

After the announcement video was played, VALSHE herself returned to the stage to deliver a fresh report. While some could be heard sobbing, whether from joy or shock, she delivered the straightforward words, “Please look forward to it.”

They revealed that they had been working behind the scenes on creative projects for several months leading up to the final performance while also embarking on a nationwide tour. They also talked about their future goals, the places they want to go with their fans, and the dreams they want to achieve.

From the thunderous applause that filled the venue, the warm hearts of the audience could be felt as they were saying, “Let’s go together,” and their hearts were filled with anticipation for the future with VALSHE.

After the heartfelt MC, the band started with the pop and upbeat song “Are you Ready?”. Surrounded by colorful penlights and lights, VALSHE, who seemed relieved to have successfully completed her important announcement, sang the song loudly.

After singing “Are you Ready?”, further information was announced during the MC.

It has been announced that on September 23rd, VALSHE’s debut date, she will hold two concerts on the same day: a concept live and an anniversary live .

The announcement of the concept live show immediately after the release announcement of “storyteller III -THE SCARY STORIES-” made the venue even more excited. The performance of “VALSHE GREETING TOUR SCHRODINGER’s V” ended on this day, but VALSHE is not going to stop there easily.

No doubt many fans felt a renewed sense of relief and hope at the promise of a new future.

With excitement for what’s to come, the final performance in Tokyo set course for the finale.

VALSHE started with their signature song “Butterfly Core”, which they had not performed on this tour yet. Pointing high into the sky, it was as if they were asking the fans, “Are you ready to move on to the future and to greater heights?”

Having carefully raised the audience’s excitement, the final song of the set was “Myself,” a song that has accompanied them since their debut.

“It’s been the most fun 7 months! It’s been an unforgettable 7 months. Thank you so so much everyone!” – VALSHE

They shout out in joy at the release of a new song, and tell everyone to work hard together. VALSHE’s stage always ends with words of heartfelt gratitude.

After bowing deeply and expressing all her gratitude, VALSHE departed from the stage and began to move forward into her next future.

After seven months on the road, they have realized things, reaffirmed things, and dreamed of making things come true. All these thoughts must have filled the hearts of not only VALSHE, but also their fans. We hope that they will use all of this as fuel and transform it into driving force to create another big, big chemical reaction in September.

<Interview and Text: Ellie Yoshida, Photography: Kyoichi Sugisaki>

◆VALSHE GREETING TOUR “SCHRODINGER’s V” Tokyo performance (final)

July 28th (Sun) @ SHIBUYA DIVE



02. John Doe

03. This life is splendid.

04. Roadside trees

05. Blue Summer Rain



08. Practical Spider


10. Micro SOLDIER

11. RIOT



en1.??? ※secret

2.Are you ready?

en3.Butterfly Core


◆Product Information

Release date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024




*Three-sided sleeve specification




*A4 size special booklet (58 pages in total)


*The made-to-order version is a limited edition product only available on the special website. Please note that it is not sold at other online shops or in stores.

◆Live Information

Date: Monday, September 23, 2024 (National Holiday)

Venue: GRIT at Shibuya

(Part 1)


OPEN 13:30 / START 14:00

(Part 2)

VALSHE Birthday Party ’24 ~VAL FIRST LIVE~

OPEN 17:30 / START 18:00

Ticket price: ¥6,600 (tax included)

July 28th 20:00 ~ Fan club advance ticket sales (lottery) begins!!

General release: Sunday, September 1, 2024, 12:00~


Related Links

[VALSHE Official Website]https://valshe.tokyo/

[VALSHE Official X]https://x.com/valshe9

[VALSHE Official YouTube Channel]


[VALSHE Official Instagram]https://www.instagram.com/valshe_official/

[VALSHE Official TikTok]https://www.tiktok.com/@valshe_official

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