Unilever Japan launches “#GROW_UP_YOURSELF” campaign to celebrate its 60th anniversary. BE:FIRST, who continues to hone himself and take on the world, is appointed as the campaign ambassador.

BE:FIRST challenges new self-expression through improvisational performance SPECIAL WEB CM Released on Tuesday, July 23, 2024

~ We are also holding a giveaway campaign where you can win tickets to watch the BMSG FES’24|BE:FIRST part rehearsal by purchasing the required number of products! ~

To commemorate its 60th anniversary in Japan, Unilever Japan Customer Marketing Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Meguro-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Joy Ho) is launching the anniversary campaign “#GROW_UP_YOURSELF” in collaboration with the seven-member dance and vocal group BE:FIRST.

Starting on Thursday, August 1st, a giveaway campaign will be launched in which customers who purchase the required number of Unilever products (excluding Vaseline) will be entered into a lottery to win luxurious prizes. In addition, a special web commercial will be released on Tuesday, July 23rd, set to the music of BE:FIRST’s popular song “Grow Up,” in which each member uses their individuality to try new forms of self-expression.

Collaboration with BE:FIRST realized with the theme of “Being yourself”

Unilever Japan is celebrating its 60th anniversary in Japan this year. Through brands such as Lux, Dove, Nexus, and Clear, efforts to eliminate gender fields, photos, and first names from all recruitment processes, and sponsorship of Tokyo Rainbow Pride, the company aims to create a society where it is “natural” for everyone to live happily and proudly as themselves. Meanwhile, BE:FIRST is a dance and vocal group that was born with the idea in mind of “polishing yourself and climbing to the top, but not kicking others down, being proud of your number one status, and respecting other people’s different number one status.” We sympathized with their attitude of valuing “being yourself,” believing in themselves, and continuing to take courageous steps forward, and so we chose them for the campaign commemorating the 60th anniversary of their expansion in Japan.

In the web commercial, the song “Grow Up” sings about BE:FIRST’s attitude towards their artistic activities, which is to continue to change in order to stay the same, thereby achieving growth and aiming for greater heights, and each member challenges themselves in a new way through improvisational performances and facial expressions that make the most of their individuality. The sophisticated video gives a glimpse of the members as they are today, as they continue to stoically confront themselves while still establishing themselves as national artists supported by many music fans and people of all ages.

Main story of the commercial

The main story begins with a scene of MANATO walking in the direction of the shining light. In the symbolic world of the blue screen, each member captivates with their dance and facial expressions. There is no set choreography, and they express the emotions that well up from within them to the song “Grow Up” through dance, walking, and facial expressions. In the final cut, all the members look straight ahead, concluding with their gazes that convey their determination for the future.

Filming episode

『#GROW_UP_YOURSELF』The members of BE:FIRST appeared on the set in chic, cool, black outfits. The shoot was relaxed, with the members all appealing to the camera, and LEO called out to them to start shooting the key visuals. The commercial shoot started with MANATO. The members were captivated by their charming performances, which made the most of their individual personalities. As soon as the cut was called, the members burst into song, and naturally swayed their bodies to the music of the tie-up song “Grow Up” that was playing on set. There was laughter throughout, as they playfully poked fun at each other.

Once the shoot resumed, they all put their smiles away and switched to cool expressions, expressing the worldview of the theme “#GROW_UP_YOURSELF” with their straight gazes and expressions. At the end, when they were presented with branded products from Unilever, MANATO was overjoyed, saying “Yay! This is the one I always use!” LEO and JUNON also said they were happy to be appointed as campaign ambassadors for a brand they are familiar with.

BE:FIRST Interview

Q: How do you feel now that this shoot is over?

RYUHEI said, “We shot silhouettes and mainly shot movements, so we were able to take a good look at the distinctive features of each individual’s movements.” LEO also shared his thoughts on taking on a new challenge in self-expression, saying, “It’s an honor to be able to work with a company that has a connection to us, so I feel really happy. I’d be really happy if we could create a solid video that really suits us.”

Q: The song “Grow Up” was playing on the set. It looked like your body was moving naturally.

“That’s right, when the music started I naturally started lip-syncing unconsciously (laughs),” said MANATO, talking about the natural way his body moves to the music that only an artist can do. RYOKI immediately responded with “Wow! (laughs),” and SOTA also commented with “Wow! (laughs) That’s cool!” and “This is an artist!” MANATO responded with “This is an artist, yeah (laughs).” The whole room was filled with laughter.

Q: The theme of this campaign is “GROW_UP_YOURSELF.”

Please tell us what you do and pay attention to in order to be true to yourself.

MANATO said, “We all go to the gym to improve our condition and maintain our current physical condition, aiming for better quality and more.” SHUNTO also commented, “We often go out to eat together,” to which RYOKI replied, “We always go for yakiniku.” MANATO agreed, saying, “Someone always goes out to eat after work,” and shared the secret to their teamwork.

Q: What is the essence of “BE:FIRST”?

“Rather than looking up to others, we always strive to achieve our ideals and what we want to do, and that’s what makes us BE:FIRST,” says LEO. Supported by a wide range of generations and music fans, they offer a glimpse into their stoic attitude and beliefs as they approach music and performance with a stoic attitude.

Q: In keeping with “Grow Up,” what moment recently made you feel like you’ve grown?

SHUNTO said, “I feel like we’ve really grown in terms of our ability to adapt to situations during live performances. I feel like our ability to respond, like the way we shorten the gaps between songs when an accident occurs, has improved dramatically.” RYOKI said, “We don’t get impatient anymore.” SHUNTO shared moments when he realized they had grown as a group, saying, “We’ve become more calm and collected.”

Q: Unilever is committed to sustainability. What do you keep in mind when it comes to living an eco-friendly life?

During the shoot, MANATO, who said he uses Unilever products and uses Dove body soap, answered enthusiastically, “I buy the refills! Not the bottles!” JUNON followed suit, saying, “Me too! For about three years now,” and SOTA also raised his hand and said, “Me too!”

Web commercial overview

・Performer: BE:FIRST



Campaign Overview

Campaign name: “#GROW_UP_YOURSELF”

CP site:https://unilever-members.com/unilever/lp/growup2024

Period: Thursday, August 1, 2024 to Thursday, September 12, 2024

*The deadline for applications for the “BMSG FES Award” is 23:59 on Saturday, August 31, 2024.

Applicable products: All Unilever products (excluding Vaseline)

Application procedure: After registering as a Unilever member, enter the required information into the application form on the campaign website.

Upload the receipt, invoice or statement of purchase of the eligible product.

Prize:[BMSG FES Prize](Purchase of 1000 yen or more including tax)

BMSG FES’24 BE:FIRST part rehearsal viewing invitation for 30 people

[BE:FIRST Award](Purchase of 800 yen or more including tax)

Autographed by all members + original poster with winner’s name (10 winners)

[GROW UP Award](Purchase of 500 yen or more including tax)

Original QUO card (500 yen) for 500 people

*The specifications of the prizes may be subject to change.


A seven-member dance and vocal group belonging to BMSG led by SKY-HI. Each member has high quality and potential in singing, dancing, and rapping, and at the same time, they also have a high level of musical sensitivity that is shown in their songwriting, composing, and choreography, and their seven members have their own unique personalities that make them very attractive.

Artist site:https://befirst.tokyo/

Unilever Japan

Founded in 1964 as the Japanese subsidiary of Unilever, one of the world’s largest consumer goods manufacturers.

For the 60 years since then, we have been delivering beauty, personal care, and home care brands to Japanese consumers, including Lux, Dove, AXE and Clear.

Guided by our purpose of “making sustainability a part of everyday life,” we are also tackling environmental and social issues such as climate change, nature protection and regeneration, plastics, and equity, diversity and inclusion, and we are working together with you to make changes toward a future where everyone can live vibrantly and happily in their own way.

Unilever Japan 60th Anniversary Video

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