Shuko Debuts from Kigensho Records, Broadcasting a ‘Musical Life’ through Vlogs

New artist Shuko makes her debut from the music label Kigensho Records, home to 2.5-dimensional artist Yuuka Nagase. Her debut video will be released at 8 PM on December 26th on the official YouTube channel.

What’s This 2.5-Dimensional Buzz All About?

Ever heard of ‘2.5-dimensional’? It’s a term that’s pretty big in the Japanese pop culture scene. Basically, it’s all about bringing anime, manga, and video game characters to life through stage plays and performances. Think of it as a cool mash-up between 2D fiction and our 3D reality. It’s a unique way to bridge the gap between the flat screen and the real world. Artists in this realm take your favorite characters from the page or screen and turn them into something you can see and experience live. Pretty awesome, right?

Shuko is a hybrid singer, moving between the digital and the physical realms, with a concept that combines music and Vlogging to create a ‘musical life.’ Alongside music, Vlogging is another key aspect of her activities.

A ‘Vlog,’ known as a ‘Video Blog,’ captures a person’s life and memories in video format. Shuko is an artist growing along with her listeners, and as a human being, she may share not just the trivial aspects of her daily life but also her struggles and hardships. She plans to post several Vlogs before the end of the year.

Teaser? Or Not a Teaser?

Shuko December 26, 2023

An early comment from an overseas user reads, ‘So excited for your debut! This is already incredibly interesting!’

Let’s all look forward to it too!

A Heartfelt Message from the Label

‘Shuko’ is an artist who, while focusing on music, also embraces ‘Vlogging’ as another major activity. A ‘Vlog,’ or Video Blog, is a video content form that records a person’s life and memories.

When you think of an artist’s ‘Vlog,’ you might imagine something extraordinary and glamorous, but Shuko is an artist growing with everyone, and she’s a human being. She might share not only her everyday moments but also her times of struggle and suffering. We would be delighted if you could love and support Shuko’s ‘musical life,’ encompassing both her music and her life.

On December 26th, 2023 (Tuesday), at 8 PM, we’ll release her debut video on Shuko’s official YouTube channel, and she plans to post several Vlogs before the year’s end.

Please look forward to Shuko’s future activities.

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