Fukuro Note 2nd Live “Virtus” Live Report

“Thank you so much!”

During their MC today, Fukuro Note expressed their gratitude to the audience many times.

These words, which were spoken from the overflowing feelings of all the audience members who came to this venue and watched and listened to his live performance, were so full of emotion that it was clear that they were spoken from the heart. He also said, “I’m happy to have been supported by so many people.” That’s why he couldn’t stop expressing his gratitude.

But more than that, I’m sure all the spectators at the venue had this strong feeling in their hearts.

“Thank you very much for holding the Live!”

One could not help but think that the audience must have been so moved and energized by the performance.

Fukuro Note is the site where singer Weak Acid works as a singer-songwriter.

He writes the lyrics and composes all of his songs. Although the sound of his songs touches on a variety of genres, what is common to all of his songs is the “kindness” that wells up from within him. When you directly experience that feeling at a live performance, the venue is filled with a sense of euphoria, and I’m sure that everyone in the audience couldn’t help but express their gratitude to Fukuro Note.

The event will be held at Toyosu PIT on Saturday, August 17, 2024. Coincidentally, it was held on Fukuro Note’s birthday.

The title of this Fukuro Note 2nd Live is “Virtus.” The title contains the meaning of “I want to give people the power to save tomorrow and the power to live for tomorrow with the music they love.”

Before the live started, various Fukuro Note goods were on sale, and the bangle lights that many of the audience bought added a vibrant touch to the live in a way that was different from penlights. Artworks created in Fukuro Note’s “nest,” called “Fukuro Nest,” were also displayed in the venue, and there was a constant stream of audience members taking commemorative photos.

The live started at 5pm, the time when Fukuro is most active, just like their first live. They returned from their first live performance, “Diluculo” on May 5th. Right from the start, the show started with a development that overturned everyone’s expectations.

The hooded trio of drummer, bassist and keyboardist appeared on stage and started playing. As the audience cheered and started clapping along to the rhythm, the performance of the trio became more intense, but even in the midst of the intensity of the drums, the steady beat and the sound of the kick and snare made it hard not to feel a sense of comfort. In fact, the drums were played by Fukuro Note himself. He said in an interview that he had been playing drums for about 10 years, but he started the show with a surprise opening, performing his first attempt at playing drums right from the start of the live performance.

After the performance, Fukuro Note took off his hood, got off the drums and approached the vocal microphone, which made the audience cheer in surprise. The guitar and drum members gathered, and from here the Fukuro Note Live began again with five members. The second song was “Obotsukanashi”. This song was chosen as the start of “Fukuro Note” at the 1st Live, and in this Live, it was performed as the first song on stage with the five members. The audience seemed to be intoxicated by the comfort of his technique, singing as if speaking to the heart while matching the low notes of the bass and drums. During the chorus, the whole venue put their hands up along with Fukuro Note, which was really refreshing.

From here, Fukuro Note will perform new songs created for this live performance, as well as songs they have released previously.

The band rocked the audience with the danceable rock number “Origin”, the adult sound “Queen”, and the cool dance number “Purge”. After an MC, they performed “Distortion”, which they wrote and composed as Weak Acid, as Fukuro Note, and in the new song “Karasu”, they performed a more message-delivering performance, moving left and right on the stage to look at the faces of the audience in “Ai Bakakari”, and in “New Style”, they improvised the lyrics on the spot, making it seem as if Fukuro Note themselves were enjoying the Live performance as a band, and the audience’s smiles filled the air along with it.

And then I realize it’s here.

There was no gauze curtain or screen in front of the stage like there was at the 1st Live. In this Live, Fukuro Note relied solely on the sound of the band, allowing the audience to concentrate more on the stage and to freely surrender to the music.

Before the next song, he expressed his gratitude in an MC, saying, “It is all thanks to you all that I am able to have such a great time right now and stand on stage.” He then said, “I would like to deliver to you all a song that I believe in,” and went on to perform a ballad.

The new song “Eikou” conveys the message that it’s okay to just be alive, while “Wabi” has a warmth to it amidst the sadness. Fukuro Note’s conversational voice melts into the heart, and the song “Jiyoku” is up-tempo and bright, but the message from Fukuro Note that “let’s live” can be felt in the song, and many of the audience members were moved to tears.

From here, they will make a complete change of pace and perform a cover song, which is the origin of Fukuro Note’s activities.

In keeping with the fact that the title of this live show, “Virtus,” is named after an asteroid, she will be performing three songs themed around space, which she loves. “Hachi / Sand Planet” and “Harumaki Gohan / Comet Becomes a Comet.”

“Seiza / Planetes.” One of Fukuro Note’s charms is that they perform a song that is familiar to Vocaloid fans, but with a band sound, bringing out a different charm in the performance.

During “patience,” the entire venue raised their hands, and Fukuro Note, the band members, and the audience all enjoyed the music together. During the new song “Kyoudonshugi,” everyone swung and got into the music, and during the final new song of the main part, “Mikansei no Oto,” Fukuro Note sang while moving freely around the stage, as if to deliver the song to the audience in the venue, in the midst of a fast-paced sound. When the song ended, Fukuro Note said “Thank you very much!” and left the stage with the band members, but the audience immediately started clapping and shouting for an encore.

When they came on stage after the encore, the first song they performed was “Temptation.”

The song was written and composed by Weak Acid on August 17th last year, the same day as today, and released digitally. The moment it started, the excitement rose instantly, and it seemed as if the entire venue was freely moving along to the music. Next came their new song, “Irodoreta Risou e”, which was just announced the other day as the theme song for the game “Alternavelt – Blue Exorcist Gaiden”. The opening is sung as if speaking to someone, and the chorus is sung as if reaching out to someone, making this a song with brilliant vocal work by Fukuro Note, which further raised the excitement of the audience.

Here, during the final MC of the day, something unexpected happened.

When Fukuronote casually said, “Today is also my birthday,” the audience naturally started singing “Happy Birthday,” and the drums and keyboards joined in the performance. The whole venue was warmed by this true surprise that no one had expected.

And from the person himself…

She expressed her gratitude for the live performance that day, her happiness at being able to sing there, and her hopes for the future.

As he spoke with tears in his eyes, the audience responded to Fukuro Note’s feelings with the biggest applause and cheers of the day, as if to cheer him on.

The last song of this live show was “REBORN”, just like the previous one.

The audience clapped along to the beat, Fukuro Note sang using the entire stage, and the band members seemed to enjoy themselves to the fullest. At the big chorus, Fukuro Note’s flying hearts flew through the venue, and the stage, full of happiness, came to a close.

I think again. Fukuro Note’s singing voice and songs are more like a talisman that gently supports the heart and is always by the listener’s side, rather than a “cheer song”. His kindness and the warmth conveyed by his songs and voice made this stage even more clear.

As announced during the MC, the song will be the opening theme for the second season of the TV anime “5000 Years Old Herbivorous Dragon, Unjustly Certified as an Evil Dragon,” which will air in October. While you wait for the details, be sure to check out the song on a subscription service and cheer yourself up…







Black gourd

All love

New Style



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Sand Planet (cover)

If I Could Be a Comet (cover)




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