LIVE REPORT | Satoko Shibata x natalie “Satoshi Shibata’s vibes explode, and with the completion of the album in which she unleashes herself, her live performances have reached the next level”

Satoko Shibata x Natalienatalie
Satoko Shibata’s vibes explode, and with the completion of the album in which she unleashes herself, her live performances have reached the next level

Report | Yoshizumi Miura Photo | Yuki Tanzawa

Satoko Shibata will be performing her first live tour with a band in about three years, “Tour 2024 Your Favorite Things,” in March, with an additional show scheduled for May 31st at Spotify O-EAST in Tokyo.
The event ended with a bang in a packed venue.
Shibata released his latest album “Your Favorite Things” in February, which is heavily influenced by his roots in R&B/soul and hip-hop, and has been receiving rave reviews from a wide range of people beyond his existing fans.
The band, which included Takuro Okada (G), who co-produced the album, as well as Haruna Makiyama (B), Kimiki Hama (Dr), Yu Taniguchi (Key), and Dub Master X (FOH), performed at three venues: LIQUIDROOM in Tokyo, CLUB QUATTRO in Umeda, Osaka, and Fushimi JAMMIN in Aichi, and all were huge successes.
The venue for the additional performance, O-EAST, is Shibata’s largest live house to date for a solo performance, but tickets sold out immediately.
Fans got a real taste of Shibata’s unstoppable momentum.

Satoko Shibata x NatalieSatoko Shibata x Natalie

Satoko Shibata “Your Favorite Things”
2024.02.28 Release
CD / Digital / DDCB-12121 / ¥3,300
Released by AWDR/LR2

Satoko Shibata “Your Favorite Things (LP)”
2024.05.25 Release
LP / DDJB-91243 / ¥4,400
Released by AWDR/LR2

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