In episode 5 of the drama “After School Karte” starring Kohei Matsushita, Makino (Kohei Matsushita) says to a child with destructive urges, “I want to help you.”
■Makino talks to Hana (Konishi Kiho). Behind this is a bitter
■Makino talks to Hana (Konishi Kiho). Behind this is a bitter
■Hana (Konishi Kiho) pushed Kazuki (Ueda Rinto) into the river. Makino
■Naoaki Saejima (Yoto Tsuchiya), who is full of curiosity, goes out
■ Riko (Tanpopo Nakamura) is surprised when something strange happens to
■The poster features school doctor Makino (Kohei Matsushita) and elementary school