NEWS TUNES Junki Tozuka, Manatsu Akimoto and Ryoko Kobayashi have been selected as the cast members of the classic romantic comedy drama “Aoshima-kun is Mean”! The filming of the lead roles of Shota Watanabe and Anne Nakamura has begun. June 15, 2024 ■ “I think Rika is a character that makes people think,
Universal Music Mrs. GREEN APPLE, the movie “The White Lounge in CINEMA” Blu-ray/DVD will be released on Friday, December 27th!
NEWS TUNES &TEAM comments on the TV anime “Honey Lemon Soda”! “I think Seto-kun and I will become friends soon.” (JO)
avex trax [H Jungle With t]A luxurious commemorative album will be released to celebrate the 30th anniversary of debut!
AWA “AWARd 2024” all 5 categories announced! “Bling-Bang-Bang-Born” sung by Creepy Nuts wins triple crown
NEWS TUNES EXILE, performers change for each regional performance! Unprecedented live “WHAT IS EXILE” details released
NEWS TUNES “Music Station SUPER LIVE 2024” timetable announced! Delivering over 6 hours of live music
NEWS TUNES Shingo Katori’s first appearance in “Hiromi’s Hachioji Rehome”! Request a dream multi-functional chair that is only one in the world
NEWS TUNES Snow Man ranks first in total for the year for the first time! Mrs. Conquers the Digital Ranking for the First Time![Oricon Annual Ranking 2024]