The second album by FOTOS, a band formed by saxophone player Akihiro Nishiguchi, has been released.
It has been announced that FOTOS, the band formed by saxophone
It has been announced that FOTOS, the band formed by saxophone
AWA, a subscription-type (flat-rate) music streaming service operated by AWA Inc.
The lyrics and choreography of “When I was dumped by you,
New music live project“M bit Project”started. As the first part of
It has been decided that summercomesagain, a new project band led
POD, an alternative heavy rock band from San Diego, USA, has
Teikoku Kissa announces that they will hold a one-man live at
brkfstblend, the band consisting of Michael Kaneko x Keity (ex. LUCKY
The band “Natural Lag”, whose vocalist is Sota Hanamura of Da-iCE,
Vamprose Management Agency (VMA), which supports overseas artists’ activities in Japan,