Noroshi Records, consisting of Yuta Orisaka × Fumi Matsui × Hajime Yaku, will hold an independent project “Kotobiraki”
Noroshi Records, the label and unit by Yuta Orisaka, Fumi Matsui,
Noroshi Records, the label and unit by Yuta Orisaka, Fumi Matsui,
KAMIYAandXanseiXAMIYA, a unit project by XAMIYA, will release their new single
STATIONS, a project consisting of three singers from Singapore, will be
Skaai,Yuya Saito,Alex StevensIt has been announced that TRIPPYHOUSING, consisting of the
KAMIYAandXanseiXAMIYA, a unit project by the duo, released their first single
Avex Management Agency Inc. will hold “ManePhoto – The World We