The 15th installment of the “revival” music project “Newtro” is a Friends reconstruction of Miki Imai’s “A bouquet of kisses in the rain”
■ “In the end, I think the balance between the original
■ “In the end, I think the balance between the original
The music video for “A Bouquet of Kisses in the Rain
Up-and-coming bassist Marty Holoubek released his new single “Shizuru (feat. May
The final lineup for “POP YOURS 2024”, which will be held
Tokyo-based artist It-Works released their 2nd EP “Watch Your Step” today,
Wolpis Carter, a high-pitched singer who is attracting attention on the
The guest members for “Friends’ Friends Gathering! – The 10th year
Yuki Chiba, who retired from KOHH and resumed his music career