INI Nishi Hiroto will feature on Thelma Aoyama’s new song “Hai? feat. NISHI HIROTO (INI)”
■“Because I was with Thelma-san, I was able to write the
■“Because I was with Thelma-san, I was able to write the
■Games, talks, and must-see scenes for fans! The popular radio program
■“I would be happy if I could become a part of
■INI Taketaka Goto & Daimu Takatsuka exchanged opinions with 160 listeners
■“Through this video, I hope you will enjoy the world view
■“My first solo song has been completed. I would be happy
■“In order to express the reality of everyday life, I darkened
■In addition to INI’s song performance block, there is also a
■A listening party will be held on the app “STATIONHEAD” from
■ZEROBASEONE will appear as a guest at “LAPOSTA 2025 Supported by