Drama “Informa” interview video released on the day of crank-in with Kenta Kiritani, Reo Sano, Kazunari Ninomiya and others
■There is also an episode where you can get a glimpse
■There is also an episode where you can get a glimpse
■“I want to raise the excitement level of the viewers of
■ “It’s full of Nino’s charms: sexiness, mystery, and those lonely-looking
■The final guest on the Sunday morning slot of “Nino-san” will
■Unreleased scenes from the final regular broadcast episode, “Nino Family Rally,”
■The details of the competition between “Olympians” and “Team Black Pean”
■ “I thought about it every day, and kept thinking about
■Players Abe Hifumi, Tsunoda Natsumi, and Kaya Kazuma will liven up
■The emergency live special will also broadcast unreleased scenes from “Black
■Details about the program will be revealed in the preview video