NEWS TUNES In the 19th installment of “Newtro,” Seiko Matsuda’s “Akai Sweet Pea” is reconstructed by Vocaloid producer “Kyiku” and singer/Vsinger “Misora Mimi” August 16, 2024 ■ “I put my own new sound into the song, so
Release TOPIC TUNES UVERworld releases the MV for the 2nd season opening theme “MMH” of the TV anime “The Seven Deadly Sins: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”!
NEWS TUNES Comments have arrived from Snow Man, Naniwa Danshi and others! “Music Station SUPER LIVE 2024”
NEWS TUNES Da-iCE releases live video of “I wonder” to commemorate award at Record University and first Kohaku appearance
Release TOPIC TUNES ANY GIVEN DAY releases music video for “Best Time” from their latest album “Limitless”
NEWS TUNES Takanori Nishikawa’s new album contents released! Tetsuya Komuro produced song “FREEDOM” MV also released
Release TOPIC TUNES Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas teams up again with Takanori Nishikawa! Takanori Nishikawa’s 3rd album “SINGularity Ⅲ -VOYAGE-“, which includes the collaboration song “Energy Overflow”, will be released on February 26th next year!