The movie “Kakukaku Shikajika” by Mei Nagano and Hiroshi Oizumi will be released! Original author Akiko Higashimura’s illustrations and special video released
■”I think we’ve created a movie that will make you laugh
■”I think we’ve created a movie that will make you laugh
■The styling was done by Non Nakamura, a stylist who is
■“How much time has passed…” (Fujiwara Joichiro), “I’m sweating a lot”
■AI YOSHIKI appears in the PR video on Prime Video’s official
■The powerful footage from the main story was released, showing the
■In the movie version, you can enjoy the “BEST OF JUJU”
■”I’ve been doing covers of Disney songs for a long time
■At the same time as the release of “50%”, official audio
■ Live streaming of the performance of the theme song “SBY”
■“I would like to sincerely face Subaru, who is adorable and