The movie “Nemurubaka”, in which Kubo Shiori (Nogizaka46) and Taira Yuna star together for the first time, will be released! The super teaser video has been released!
■ “Meeting Taira-san became something special in my life” (Nogizaka46 Kubo
■ “Meeting Taira-san became something special in my life” (Nogizaka46 Kubo
■ “Health comes first. I’m sure I’m tired of hearing that
■The first day of the Tokyo Dome concert is completely filmed,
The music video for the title track “Shinkigeki” from NIKO NIKO
■ “I think that during this filming period, Yano-kun was able
■The images released include the group enjoying sightseeing in Tokyo and
■ “I hope this film will help people to love themselves
■The official trailer and main visual have also been released Additional
■ The full-length version of “Monotone” will be broadcast on radio
■Ayano Go, Yoshioka Riho, Morisaki Win, Oideyasu Oda, Katagiri Hairi, and