A special movie featuring the cast of Ryusei Onishi’s first starring movie “We Don’t Know Love” has been released, in which they have a candid discussion
■Get a full understanding of the love views of the six
■Get a full understanding of the love views of the six
■ “I was like, ‘I got a movie offer!’ and I
■ We also talked about sharing beauty tips with the Naniwa
■ “Yonekura-san and Uchida-san called me ‘Dai-chan’ and I had a
■Pay attention to Eiji (Onishi Ryusei)’s emotional expression as his feelings
■A special video capturing six young men, including Eiji (Onishi Ryusei),
■ Mizuho (Shida Sara), wearing an apron, stares at Eiji (Onishi
■A total of 75 artists from STARTO ENTERTAINMENT, from 14 groups,
■“STARTO for you” is a project that brings together 14 groups
■Pay attention to Eiji (Onishi Ryusei)’s school uniform from his junior