Samayuzame, an up-and-coming DIY singer-songwriter from Tokyo University of the Arts, releases her new song “no aid(ea)” today!
With the theme of “post-traumatic growth,” she sings that there is
With the theme of “post-traumatic growth,” she sings that there is
Born in Tokyo, MFS is a member of the Osaka-based HIPHOP
Ruo Kihara played the role of “Heshikiri Hasebe” in the musical
KID PHENOMENON from EXILE TRIBE It has been decided that KID
Vocaloid P Nito is attracting attention for providing songs to numerous
leift releases new single “Morning”. The result is a song that
As we feel the end of the scorching summer and the
TryHard Japan Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Osaka City) is pleased to
Aile The Shota debuted in January 2022 with the
Matsuki Misada, who had been devoted to jazz since his student