Drama star Masaki Okada appears in the music video for Kazuyoshi Saito’s “The Travel Nurse” theme song “Don’t Cry Glory Moon”
■“Just by exchanging a word or two with Kazuyoshi in a
■“Just by exchanging a word or two with Kazuyoshi in a
■The preview video for the movie “Sonic x Shadow TOKYO MISSION”
■“When I watched the finished movie, I cried at many points.”
■The distribution jacket uses painter Jiro Aiko’s work “Untitled”! iri digitally
■“The greatest joy of working on this movie was that they
■”I wrote this with the thoughts of ‘precious everyday life’ and
■“I would be happy if you loved both the work and
■“I wrote this while looking at the light that coexists with
■Aimyon has newly written the theme song “Sketch” for “Doraemon the
■The jacket of the double A-side single “ONE PIECE” edition, which