The final episode of the comedy show “To a Perfect Future” starring Kaito Matsukura (Travis Japan) has aired! The ending was also improvised!?
■Kaito Matsukura plays the son from the future who calls his
■Kaito Matsukura plays the son from the future who calls his
■ “Please don’t get angry, fans” (Shisonnu Hasegawa Shinobu) “A very
■There’s also some surprise tips from the tour staff! Travis Japan
■ “That guy is crazy…” (Hasegawa from Sisonne), “That was a
Universal Music LLC (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Fujikura Hisashi;
■The live Blu-ray and DVD “Travis Japan Concert Tour 2024 Road
■ Kaito Matsukura (Travis Japan) is starting the match with Yamazoe
■We also have the forbidden “apple kiss” cut! We also have
■A close look at the behind-the-scenes of Aiba◎X-bu’s first event! We
■A 4 and a half minute trailer has also been released