Noroshi Records, consisting of Yuta Orisaka × Fumi Matsui × Hajime Yaku, will hold an independent project “Kotobiraki”
Noroshi Records, the label and unit by Yuta Orisaka, Fumi Matsui,
Noroshi Records, the label and unit by Yuta Orisaka, Fumi Matsui,
It has been announced that Yuta Orisaka will hold a hall
It has been announced that Kimino Orpheus will release their new
Live videos of three songs from Yuta Orisaka’s latest album “Shoujo”
■ “I hope you’ll all come and see me on my
■ “To me, the runway represented the future. It looked like
AWA, a subscription-based music streaming service operated by AWA Inc. (Headquarters:
It has been announced that Yuta Orisaka will release his new