Robert Ramirez’s debut album from NYC’s new label Eryngii."MIGRATE "released on 4/12

Album information released + new single release

Eryngii, a new label from Brooklyn, New York, has announced that electronic artist Robert Ramirez’s long-awaited debut album “MIGRATE” will be released on April 12th. The second single “EURL” will be released on March 19th, and the lyric video will also be released on YouTube at the same time.

About “MIGRATE”:

A sweet fusion of vintage synthesizers and modern music that pays homage to and love of retro electronic sounds, heavily influenced by artists such as Yellow Magic Orchestra, Telex, and Thomas Dolby. With its radical music videos and a return to the golden age of electronic music, you’ll be able to enjoy a unique sci-fi worldview. Delving into the theme of “interaction between human emotions and AI”, the album presents a futuristic yet empathetic story.

About Robert Ramirez:

Robert Ramirez, a rising star in the world of electronic music, draws inspiration from the synthesizer pioneers of the late 70s and early 80s, particularly Japanese artists such as Yellow Magic Orchestra. He takes a unique approach by studying the music of this era through records and using the same vintage synthesizers to create sounds that are both nostalgic and innovative. Ramirez’s work, which has been composing and recording music for 10 years in New York, combines old-school sounds and cutting-edge sensibilities, attracting fans of a wide range of electronic music, from classical to contemporary.

“EURL” – Out Now

What is Eryngii?

An emerging music label founded in 2023 in NYC by Robert Ramirez, Rikitaro Suzuki, and Tadashi Beddie. Our motto is to explore the intersection of Japanese and American music, bringing artists who create unique and captivating music to the world.


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