Vocaloid P “Chinozo” releases his first original full album “The Hollows” in three and a half years!

Vocaloid P “Chinozo” whose song “Goodbye Declaration” posted in April 2020 has currently exceeded 128 million views, breaking the record. Approximately three and a half years have passed since the shocking debut album “The Deluge” (released on November 15, 2020), the long-awaited original full album “The Hollows” was finally released on April 24th. This album is Chinozo’s second album and includes Elite (14.4 million views), Shotgun Nauru (6.47 million views), Cheese (5.94 million views), Flyer! (3.83 million views), and TAMAYA (3.28 million views). Contains a total of 14 songs, including big hits such as “Played” and “Miha” (played 2.03 million times). In addition, “Goodbye Declaration” is specially included as an Alternate Version.

▼Message from Chinozo

Vocaloid’s first full album in three and a half years.

This time’s theme is “cavity”.

It’s a universal thing that everyone has, a little hole in their heart.

People feel uneven because there is a hole in their heart, and how will they turn out from there?

Please go “crazy” with the catchy music.

▼Chinozo 2nd album “The Hollows” information

CD sales and distribution start on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 (Subscription & Download)

*CD sales:https://lnk.to/The-Hollows_CD

*Subscription & Download:https://orcd.co/the_hollows

【recorded music】

01. Escalator

02. Taxi

03. Shotgun Nauru

04. Elite

05. Frisode

06. Cheese

07. Teyuuka.

08. Meteora

09. Flyer!

10. Miha


12. Shiro *

13. Thea! *

14. Goodbye Declaration (Alternate Version) **

*Bonus Track

**Special Bonus Track


Vocaloid P from Kansai. He started playing music (guitar) when he was 15 years old, and after playing in a band, he started DTM. He started his activities as Vocaloid P in 2018 and started posting on YouTube in March 2019. They have created many crossover songs, from songs with a strong electronic atmosphere to songs with an impressive band sound, and have been praised by fans as “addictive” and “good melodies,” and overseas listeners have also. many. His song “Goodbye Declaration” has currently been played over 128 million times since it was posted in April 2020. It surpassed Hachi (Kenshi Yonezu)’s song “Sand no Planet” as the most viewed song sung by a vocaloid on YouTube, and is still breaking records.

▼Related links


Nico Nico Douga:https://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/63011659




▼Representative works

Goodbye declaration:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHXC_ahjtEE


Shotgun Nauru:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tptmXIHhXG4


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