Aiming for the world! ALMONDot’s new song was written based on the real-life experiences of the band members when they were 17 years old. With all English lyrics and screams, the song conveys the feelings of a girl in the midst of her rebellious phase, broadcasting from Tokyo to the world.

ALMONDot, an industrial metal band from Japan with a global reach, released their new single “Surprise, mom!-” on Wednesday, June 26th.

The new album is an ambitious piece with lyrics entirely in English that has been strongly influenced by overseas audiences, and has received a much bigger response than expected from Spotify playlisters around the world even before its release. This response has even reached Japan, where DJ Mass MAD Izm* of the TikTok GGTK Live team, who arranges songs for artists such as GLAY and Golden Bomber, has picked ALMONDot’s new song “Surprise, mom!” as a noteworthy new artist, and a TikTok (GGTK×ALMONDot) headbanging collaboration campaign has been decided.

In addition, the Spotify Share Campaign and LINE MUSIC Play Count Campaign have also started, and from 6:30pm today, vocalist and guitarist Sorai’s official TikTok account (@almondotsorai) will be hosting a TikTokLIVE Online Listening Party. For more information, be sure to check out the official website.

~ALMONDot’s new song “Surprise, mom!” is based on the real-life experiences of band member Philosopher & rapper & dancer Akane Sono (17), who is in the midst of her rebellious phase!?~

It seems that ALMONDot’s frontman, Ensen, also sometimes gets into arguments with his mother, but he has no chance of winning an argument against his mother, who has a lot of life experience…

So!! Sono Akane came up with a secret plan: to intimidate Mama with a “Voooooooo” death voice, and while Mama was taken aback for a moment, she would leave the place (too cute lol).

I want my mom to be on my side no matter what, to be my number one understanding friend, and in reality, I want her to pay attention to me, so I end up relying on her. A small resistance is the flip side of loving her. “I’m sorry, I love you, mom.”

This extremely groovy, heavy, solid and catchy song is intelligently sung by vocalist and guitarist Sorai (18), and the heavy riffs and lead guitar that are as sharp as a rough, mercilessly distorted Japanese sword perfectly express the “EMOTION” that is unique to the rebellious age.

Streaming link:

Members from left

▼Vo & Gt Sorai (18 years old)

▼Philosopher & Rapper & Dancer Akane Sono (Ensen) 17 years old

▼Ba & Cho Black Dream (Chrome)

▼Gt & Cho UI (Yui)


What is the philosophy of ALMONDot’s brain, Akane Sono (17 years old)?

■I feel relieved when I return to Japan.

Of course, you do miss your country when you’re away from it, and it’s wonderful to feel that way. Of course, there are many wonderful things overseas, but I often hear from overseas acquaintances who have stayed in Japan that they miss Japan, so I think that even from an objective point of view, Japan is full of things to miss. Japan was the first developed country to start experiencing a population decline. Japan is the country where everyone says, “This country is no good.” Japan is a gentle, polite, beautiful, and crazy country. I want the world to miss us more and more.

■Recently, when I talk about our future with my classmates, we all talk assuming that we will leave Japan.

But is there any other island nation like this, where people live who love everything to an anthropomorphic level, where there are so many intricate and unique crafts, and where you can find delicious food wherever you go? To me, this country looks like a resort island, and I want Japan to continue to be loved by the world, not only for MT.FUJI, SUSHI, and OMOTENASHI, but even when I grow up. I hope that I can convey a glimpse of that Japan through my band activities!

■Japan is full of characters and entertainment.

The idea of ​​anthropomorphizing hot spring girls, mascot characters, historical figures, etc. is strange in itself, but I don’t think there is any other ethnic group where the culture of anthropomorphization is so deeply rooted, like the Kansai custom of calling people “ame-chan”. I think this unique Japanese mindset, where the distinction between objects and people is unclear, deserves more attention from the world. So one day it occurred to me that the future of Japan should be one in which people around the world love and protect this identity (genius!!). To that end, I hope to be able to convey various things in our own way through music!!


“Voice Comics” featuring ALMONDot members are available in English, Chinese, and Japanese.

“ALMONDot” Official Website ➤


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