Featuring Utsukubi, Bakushin, Shiseikyuu, and Psychic Warrior Dorian! “Fuun! Osaka Castle Onsen ~Wachanoyu~” will be held at Osaka Castle Music Hall on October 14th!

On October 14th, “Fuun! Osaka Castle Onsen ~Wachanoyu~” will be held at Osaka Castle Music Hall. The performers for the event have been announced!

Beating Head Gokumon Club
Four Star Ball
Psychic Warrior Dorian
Backdrop Cinderella

In addition, the advance lottery for tickets has started, so be sure to check it out!


▼Event information
“Fuun! Osaka Castle Sound Spring ~Wachanoyu~”
Monday, October 14th (National Holiday) Osaka Castle Music Hall
OPEN 13:15 / START 14:00
Cast: Utsukubigokumon Doukoukai / Shiseikyuu / Psychic Warrior Dorian / Backdrop Cinderella
Detail isHere

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