Backdrop Cinderella x a flood of circle and Ningen Isu x 88 Temple Pilgrimage will hold two-man shows in September at Ibaraki mito LIGHT HOUSE and Chiba LOOK as part of their 35th anniversary project!

Both Ibaraki Mito LIGHT HOUSE and Chiba LOOK are celebrating their 35th anniversary this year. To celebrate their anniversaries, the two stores have decided to hold a joint two-day event called “Kanto Road”!

On September 2nd and 3rd, a flood of circle and Backdrop Cinderella will perform two-man shows, and on September 4th and 5th, Ningen Isu and Yasohachi Kasho Junrei will perform two-man shows.

Advance ticket sales will begin on June 29th on eplus, so be sure to check it out!

▼Live information
“mito LIGHT HOUSE & chiba LOOK 35th Anniversary “Kanto Road vol.36″”
September 2nd (Monday) Ibaraki Mito LIGHT HOUSE
September 3rd (Tuesday) Chiba LOOK
Cast: a flood of circle / Backdrop Cinderella

“mito LIGHT HOUSE & chiba LOOK 35th Anniversary “Kanto Road vol.33″”
September 4th (Wed) Ibaraki Mito LIGHT HOUSE
September 5th (Thursday) Chiba LOOK
Cast: Ningen Isu / Pilgrimage to the 88 Temples

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