THE STORY SO FAR releases music video for “Watch You Go” from their new album “I Want To Disappear”!

THE STORY SO FAR, a pop punk band from Walnut Creek, California, released their first new album in six years, “I Want To Disappear,” today, June 21st. They have also released the music video for “Watch You Go” from the album!

The Story So Far “Watch You Go” (Official Music Video)

The music video for the song “Letterman” from the album has also been released, so be sure to check it out!

The Story So Far “Letterman” (Official Music Video)



▼Release information
new album
“I Want To Disappear”
Now on sale!!

1. All This Time
2. Watch You Go
3. Letterman
4. Jump The Gun
5. Big Blind
6. Nothing to Say
7. Keep You Around
8. You’re Still In My Way
9. White Shores
10. I Want To Disappear


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