■My opponent is vocalist and guitar player Iyori Shimizu!
BACK NUMBER’s “anti sleeps tour 2024” is currently being held with 32 performances in 15 locations across the country, featuring 16 gorgeous artists as guests. It has been announced that the performance held at Saitama Super Arena on October 27th from that tour will be exclusively live streamed on U-NEXT on December 29th (there will be a missed stream after the live stream ends). .
My opponent on this day was Yori Shimizu (Vo & Gu). It was a valuable performance in which he performed and sang back number songs.
In addition, to commemorate this, U-NEXT will start distributing three past live video titles. Be sure to check it out too.
■Past live videos that have started distribution
“back number “love stories tour 2014 ~Yokohama love story 2~””
“back number “All Our Yesterdays Tour 2017 at SAITAMA SUPER ARENA””
“back number “in your humor tour 2023””
Delivery information
“Back number “anti sleeps tour 2024” October 27th (Sunday) Saitama Super Arena performance”
Live streaming: 12/29 (Sunday) 18:00 until the end of the live broadcast
Missed distribution: As soon as distribution preparations are completed until 23:59 on Sunday, January 12, 2025
*The announcement video accompanying the live broadcast includes some spoiler footage of the currently ongoing tour.
Click here for delivery details
U-NEXT back number distribution list page
“anti sleeps tour 2024” special site
back number OFFICIAL SITE